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Member Relief and Support Center

Are you experiencing financial hardship or having trouble making payments? We’re here to help.

Auto loans, personal loans, credit card or line of credit

We offer several assistance programs for our consumer loans, which includes auto loans, personal loans, credit card and other lines of credit. Learn about these programs’ workout options and their eligibility below.

If you have questions or want to get started with these options, contact our Consumer Solutions support team at 800.358.8228 (ext. 7145) or email them at

Skip-A-Pay is an account feature that allows you to postpone your loan payment one month into the future to provide you with a little breathing room in case you are running a little short on cash or as other bills come due.

  • Use it twice a year per eligible Patelco loan in good standing.
  • Easy and quick to take advantage of it; no lengthy application forms required.
  • Do it yourself – the self-serve feature is available in Patelco Online™ and Mobile Banking.

While Skip-A-Pay is designed to help alleviate the stress, it’s important to understand the terms and conditions of this account feature, including a $25 fee for each request charge as well as interest on your loan continuing to accrue during the month the payment was skipped.

A payment deferral allows you to defer (or pause) up to two monthly payments. Payment deferral is designed for those who face temporary financial hardship and helps keep loan obligations current. Payment deferral is not intended to address long-term financial hardship.

To be considered for a loan deferral, your loan must meet the following requirements:

  • The loan must be no more than 60 days past due at the time of the request.
  • The loan must meet the loan deferral limits as stated above for closed and open-ended obligations.
  • The loan has not been previously modified under any of the hardship assistance programs.

We’ve made it easy for you to apply for loan payment deferral through our self-service portal.

A payment arrangement provides members with the opportunity to set up one or more short term payments within a month or two to bring a delinquent account back to good standing. All accounts are eligible.

The Temporary Payment Reduction Program is a loan modification intended to provide eligible members, who are experiencing a short to mid-term financial hardship, with affordable and sustainable monthly payments. The monthly payment will be reduced 50%, with a 2% interest rate. The reduced payment is for 12 months only and in conclusion, returns the contracted obligation.

A loan will be eligible for the Temporary Payment Reduction Program if all the following criteria are met:

  • The hardship is temporary and involuntary, and you must be able to provide hardship documentation.
  • Your gross debt ratio (“back-end”) is greater than 45%.
  • If this is an auto loan, the collateral must be in your possession. The vehicle registration must be current. You must also provide evidence of insurance and the policy must list Patelco as lienholder.
  • The loan has not previously been modified under the Temporary Payment Reduction Program or Permanent Payment Reduction Program.
  • The temporary payment term is 12 months.

The Permanent Payment Reduction Program is intended to provide affordable and sustainable monthly payments. An affordable and sustainable monthly payment is achieved by taking specified sequential steps to reduce the interest rate and extend the payment timeframe.

A loan will be eligible for the Permanent Payment Reduction Program if all the following criteria are met:

  • The hardship is permanent and involuntary, and you must be able to provide hardship documentation.
  • Your housing payment and Patelco’s payment is greater than 38% of total gross monthly income.
  • If this is an auto loan, the collateral must be in your possession. The vehicle registration must be current. You must also provide evidence of insurance and the policy must list Patelco as lienholder.
  • The loan has not previously been modified under the Permanent Payment Reduction Program.
  • A discharged Bankruptcy must reaffirm the debt.

Debt Counseling Program

As a condition of approval for the Permanent Modification, you must provide evidence of completing debt counseling with Balance.

Skip-A-Pay Options

Skip-A-Pay is an account feature that allows you to postpone your loan payment one month into the future to provide you with a little breathing room in case you are running a little short on cash or as other bills come due.

  • Use it twice a year per eligible Patelco loan in good standing.
  • Easy and quick to take advantage of it; no lengthy application forms required.
  • Do it yourself – the self-serve feature is available in Patelco Online™ and Mobile Banking.

While Skip-A-Pay is designed to help alleviate the stress, it’s important to understand the terms and conditions of this account feature, including a $25 fee for each request charge as well as interest on your loan continuing to accrue during the month the payment was skipped.

Payment Deferral Options

A payment deferral allows you to defer (or pause) up to two monthly payments. Payment deferral is designed for those who face temporary financial hardship and helps keep loan obligations current. Payment deferral is not intended to address long-term financial hardship.

To be considered for a loan deferral, your loan must meet the following requirements:

  • The loan must be no more than 60 days past due at the time of the request.
  • The loan must meet the loan deferral limits as stated above for closed and open-ended obligations.
  • The loan has not been previously modified under any of the hardship assistance programs.

We’ve made it easy for you to apply for loan payment deferral through our self-service portal.

Payment Arrangement

A payment arrangement provides members with the opportunity to set up one or more short term payments within a month or two to bring a delinquent account back to good standing. All accounts are eligible.

Temp Payment Reduction

The Temporary Payment Reduction Program is a loan modification intended to provide eligible members, who are experiencing a short to mid-term financial hardship, with affordable and sustainable monthly payments. The monthly payment will be reduced 50%, with a 2% interest rate. The reduced payment is for 12 months only and in conclusion, returns the contracted obligation.

A loan will be eligible for the Temporary Payment Reduction Program if all the following criteria are met:

  • The hardship is temporary and involuntary, and you must be able to provide hardship documentation.
  • Your gross debt ratio (“back-end”) is greater than 45%.
  • If this is an auto loan, the collateral must be in your possession. The vehicle registration must be current. You must also provide evidence of insurance and the policy must list Patelco as lienholder.
  • The loan has not previously been modified under the Temporary Payment Reduction Program or Permanent Payment Reduction Program.
  • The temporary payment term is 12 months.

Permanent Loan Modification

The Permanent Payment Reduction Program is intended to provide affordable and sustainable monthly payments. An affordable and sustainable monthly payment is achieved by taking specified sequential steps to reduce the interest rate and extend the payment timeframe.

A loan will be eligible for the Permanent Payment Reduction Program if all the following criteria are met:

  • The hardship is permanent and involuntary, and you must be able to provide hardship documentation.
  • Your housing payment and Patelco’s payment is greater than 38% of total gross monthly income.
  • If this is an auto loan, the collateral must be in your possession. The vehicle registration must be current. You must also provide evidence of insurance and the policy must list Patelco as lienholder.
  • The loan has not previously been modified under the Permanent Payment Reduction Program.
  • A discharged Bankruptcy must reaffirm the debt.

Debt Counseling Program

As a condition of approval for the Permanent Modification, you must provide evidence of completing debt counseling with Balance.

When you need to deal with matters of finance at Patelco, you are only a call away to set your visit so you can sit and talk with someone about your financial situation. They meet you where you are at and you are treated with respect.

- Victoria P | 太阳集团官网 MEMBER

Mortgage hardship assistance options

We offer a comprehensive foreclosure prevention program to members experiencing financial hardship with the goal of keeping them in their home. Learn about these programs’ workout options and their eligibility below.

To get started with any of these options, contact our Loan Workout support team at 800.358.8228 (ext. 3999) or email them at

A repayment plan is an arrangement where you agree to repay the loan arrearage in installments while still making regularly scheduled monthly payments.  The repayment plan is designed to assist if you can resolve the loan delinquency over a period of time.

A mortgage loan will be eligible for a repayment plan if it meets the following requirements:

  • Proof that the financial hardship that caused the current loan default has since been resolved.
  • The ability to make future scheduled loan payments in addition to an amount necessary to cure the outstanding arrearage.
  • Mortgage loans currently in foreclosure and bankruptcy are eligible.

A payment deferral allows you to defer up to two monthly payments. Payment deferral is designed for those who face temporary financial hardship, and a payment deferral would help them keep their loan obligation current. Payment deferral is not intended to address long-term financial hardship.

The original interest rate and loan maturity date will remain unchanged. The unpaid interest will be treated separately and added to a 0% interest fee account and due as a final payment at the end of the loan term or at payoff.

This payment deferral program applies to closed and open-ended mortgage loans.

This program provides a temporary reduction of payments on a mortgage loan, followed by an arrangement to cure delinquency. The temporary payment reduction program is designed to assist those who are unemployed or who otherwise are not eligible for the loan modification program. The program is intended to provide those experiencing temporary hardship the time and flexibility to manage the financial challenges affecting their ability to meet the mortgage obligations.

The temporary payment reduction will allow you to make a monthly mortgage payment of 40% of your verified gross household income or $750.00, whichever is the greater amount, for a 6-month period. At the end of the payment reduction period past due amounts are not forgiven, but rather these amounts are addressed through a subsequent repayment plan or loan modification.

To be considered for the temporary payment reduction program, an account must meet the following requirements:

  • The loan is a first lien mortgage loan owned and serviced by Patelco Credit Union.
  • The subject property is a primary residence or an investment property.
  • The loan has existed for at least twelve (12) months.
  • The hardship is temporary and involuntary in nature.
  • Loan has not been previously modified, and the borrower has not previously received a temporary payment reduction.
  • You have not missed more than two monthly payments.
  • Property taxes, hazard insurance and homeowners’ association fees must be paid current. If the property taxes are delinquent, you must show written evidence of an approved repayment plan from the County in which the property is located.
  • Verified income documented in accordance with the Uniform Borrower Assistance Form.
  • You must be able to document a valid short-term hardship by completing the hardship documentation set forth in the Uniform Borrower Assistance Form.

The Permanent Hardship Modification Program is a loan modification process intended to provide affordable and sustainable monthly payments. This is achieved by taking specified sequential steps to bring the total monthly housing payment down to a target between 31% and 38% of the gross monthly income.

A mortgage loan will be eligible for the Permanent Hardship Modification Program if all of the following criteria are met:

  • The mortgage loan is owned and serviced by Patelco Credit Union.
  • The mortgage loan is delinquent, or default is reasonably foreseeable. Certain mortgage loans currently in bankruptcy and foreclosure are also eligible.
  • The subject property is the member’s primary residence
  • The qualifying hardship is long-term and involuntary in nature.
  • The property is not in a condemned status.
  • A discharged bankruptcy must reaffirm the debt.

Debt Counseling Program

As a condition of approval for the Permanent Modification, you must provide evidence of completing debt counseling with Balance.

Short Sale

A short sale involves the creditor releasing the lien against the property in exchange for proceeds from the sale of the property of less than the amount owed. This program allows someone to transition out of their home without going through foreclosure.

A mortgage loan will be eligible for short sale if all the following requirements are met:

  • The loan is secured by real property owned and serviced by Patelco Credit Union.
  • The mortgage loan is delinquent, or default is reasonably foreseeable. Certain mortgage loans currently in bankruptcy and foreclosure are also eligible.
  • You’re able to document a valid financial hardship.
  • You may be required to contribute cash or execute a note to mitigate Patelco’s losses if a review of your financial condition indicates that you are able to pay, unless prohibited by law.
  • You must complete the short sale packet and provide documentation set forth in the packet.
  • The property must be listed for sale in the Multiple Listing Service.
  • You may not be acting as the listing or selling agent for the property.

Deed-In-Lieu of Foreclosure

A deed-in-lieu of foreclosure (DIL), also referred to as a “voluntary conveyance,” occurs when a borrower voluntarily transfers title and possession of the property to a creditor to satisfy the mortgage loan debt and to avoid foreclosure.

Under Patelco Credit Union’s workout hierarchy, a DIL can be offered to members that are ineligible for all other foreclosure prevention alternatives.

A mortgage loan may be eligible for a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure if all the following requirements are met:

  • The loan is secured by real property owned and serviced by Patelco Credit Union.
  • The mortgage loan is delinquent, or default is reasonably foreseeable. Certain mortgage loans currently in bankruptcy and foreclosure are also eligible.
  • You must be able to document a valid financial hardship.
  • Tried for at least 90 to 120 days to sell the property at fair market value (includes short sale) with the help of a licensed real estate agent but were unsuccessful.

Repayment Plan

A repayment plan is an arrangement where you agree to repay the loan arrearage in installments while still making regularly scheduled monthly payments.  The repayment plan is designed to assist if you can resolve the loan delinquency over a period of time.

A mortgage loan will be eligible for a repayment plan if it meets the following requirements:

  • Proof that the financial hardship that caused the current loan default has since been resolved.
  • The ability to make future scheduled loan payments in addition to an amount necessary to cure the outstanding arrearage.
  • Mortgage loans currently in foreclosure and bankruptcy are eligible.

Payment Deferral Options

A payment deferral allows you to defer up to two monthly payments. Payment deferral is designed for those who face temporary financial hardship, and a payment deferral would help them keep their loan obligation current. Payment deferral is not intended to address long-term financial hardship.

The original interest rate and loan maturity date will remain unchanged. The unpaid interest will be treated separately and added to a 0% interest fee account and due as a final payment at the end of the loan term or at payoff.

This payment deferral program applies to closed and open-ended mortgage loans.

Temp Payment Reduction

This program provides a temporary reduction of payments on a mortgage loan, followed by an arrangement to cure delinquency. The temporary payment reduction program is designed to assist those who are unemployed or who otherwise are not eligible for the loan modification program. The program is intended to provide those experiencing temporary hardship the time and flexibility to manage the financial challenges affecting their ability to meet the mortgage obligations.

The temporary payment reduction will allow you to make a monthly mortgage payment of 40% of your verified gross household income or $750.00, whichever is the greater amount, for a 6-month period. At the end of the payment reduction period past due amounts are not forgiven, but rather these amounts are addressed through a subsequent repayment plan or loan modification.

To be considered for the temporary payment reduction program, an account must meet the following requirements:

  • The loan is a first lien mortgage loan owned and serviced by Patelco Credit Union.
  • The subject property is a primary residence or an investment property.
  • The loan has existed for at least twelve (12) months.
  • The hardship is temporary and involuntary in nature.
  • Loan has not been previously modified, and the borrower has not previously received a temporary payment reduction.
  • You have not missed more than two monthly payments.
  • Property taxes, hazard insurance and homeowners’ association fees must be paid current. If the property taxes are delinquent, you must show written evidence of an approved repayment plan from the County in which the property is located.
  • Verified income documented in accordance with the Uniform Borrower Assistance Form.
  • You must be able to document a valid short-term hardship by completing the hardship documentation set forth in the Uniform Borrower Assistance Form.

Permanent Loan Modification

The Permanent Hardship Modification Program is a loan modification process intended to provide affordable and sustainable monthly payments. This is achieved by taking specified sequential steps to bring the total monthly housing payment down to a target between 31% and 38% of the gross monthly income.

A mortgage loan will be eligible for the Permanent Hardship Modification Program if all of the following criteria are met:

  • The mortgage loan is owned and serviced by Patelco Credit Union.
  • The mortgage loan is delinquent, or default is reasonably foreseeable. Certain mortgage loans currently in bankruptcy and foreclosure are also eligible.
  • The subject property is the member’s primary residence
  • The qualifying hardship is long-term and involuntary in nature.
  • The property is not in a condemned status.
  • A discharged bankruptcy must reaffirm the debt.

Debt Counseling Program

As a condition of approval for the Permanent Modification, you must provide evidence of completing debt counseling with Balance.

Other Relief Options

Short Sale

A short sale involves the creditor releasing the lien against the property in exchange for proceeds from the sale of the property of less than the amount owed. This program allows someone to transition out of their home without going through foreclosure.

A mortgage loan will be eligible for short sale if all the following requirements are met:

  • The loan is secured by real property owned and serviced by Patelco Credit Union.
  • The mortgage loan is delinquent, or default is reasonably foreseeable. Certain mortgage loans currently in bankruptcy and foreclosure are also eligible.
  • You’re able to document a valid financial hardship.
  • You may be required to contribute cash or execute a note to mitigate Patelco’s losses if a review of your financial condition indicates that you are able to pay, unless prohibited by law.
  • You must complete the short sale packet and provide documentation set forth in the packet.
  • The property must be listed for sale in the Multiple Listing Service.
  • You may not be acting as the listing or selling agent for the property.

Deed-In-Lieu of Foreclosure

A deed-in-lieu of foreclosure (DIL), also referred to as a “voluntary conveyance,” occurs when a borrower voluntarily transfers title and possession of the property to a creditor to satisfy the mortgage loan debt and to avoid foreclosure.

Under Patelco Credit Union’s workout hierarchy, a DIL can be offered to members that are ineligible for all other foreclosure prevention alternatives.

A mortgage loan may be eligible for a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure if all the following requirements are met:

  • The loan is secured by real property owned and serviced by Patelco Credit Union.
  • The mortgage loan is delinquent, or default is reasonably foreseeable. Certain mortgage loans currently in bankruptcy and foreclosure are also eligible.
  • You must be able to document a valid financial hardship.
  • Tried for at least 90 to 120 days to sell the property at fair market value (includes short sale) with the help of a licensed real estate agent but were unsuccessful.

Every day resources to help your financial wellbeing

Certified Financial Specialists (CFS)

Help with goal planning, savings strategies, budgeting, financial hardships and more. Connect with them here.


BALANCE provides members with articles, coaching, webinars and 1:1 counseling programs. Access it here.

Banzai Direct

Banzai Direct offers financial education training through articles, podcasts, videos and calculators.

SpringFour Local Resources

To connect with community programs and resources near you, check out self-service SpringFour here.

Patelco Webinars and Podcasts

Our webinars and podcasts cover topics such as estate planning, tax information, budgeting, and lots more!

Financial Wellness Resources

Explore topics such as budgeting strategies, saving money, retirement planning and more!

Frequently asked questions about member relief and support


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